SIMPOSIO SIRIO - New trends: the result of the teaching of the past
From date04/04/2025 - h 14:00
To date05/04/2025 - h 14:00
Duration10 hours
Formative credits0
Basic entry fee€ 150 (0.00% VAT included)
Additional Information
Training typologyResidential trainingEvento NO ECM
LocationROMA RM AUDITORIUM ANTONIANUM Viale Manzoni, 1, 00185 Roma RM, Italia
Course categoryArea Dentale / Dental Area
Available for
Course description
New trends: the result of the teaching of the past
ROMA - Venerdì 4 e Sabato 5 aprile 2025
Sede: Auditorium Antonianum
Viale Manzoni, 1 - Roma (RM)
SOCIO ANDI / AIO € 90,00
NON SOCIO € 150,00
Modalità di pagamento
Bonifico Bancario intestato a B.E. BETA EVENTI S.R.L. - IBAN: IT 50 G 02008 02640 000400752116
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